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Miller Ryan partners have more than 50 years of experience, developing and managing comprehensive corporate communications strategies and programs for real estate and investment management companies. 

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A marketing communication strategist who turned to real estate analysis, Jonathan D. Miller has been a foremost interpreter of 21st citistate futures – cities and suburbs alike – seen through the lens of lifestyles and market realities.

For more than 20 years (1992-2013), Miller authored Emerging Trends in Real Estate, the leading commercial real estate industry outlook report, published annually by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Urban Land Institute (ULI).  He has lectured frequently on trends in real estate, including the future of America's major 24-hour urban centers and sprawling suburbs. He also has been author of ULI’s annual forecasts on infrastructure and its What’s Next? series of forecasts. On a regular basis, he writes a column for, the real estate news website.


Mr. Miller is also a prominent communications/institutional investor-marketing strategist and partner in Miller Ryan LLC, helping corporate clients develop and execute branding and communications programs. He led the re-branding of GMAC Commercial Mortgage to Capmark Financial Group Inc. and he was part of the management team that helped build Equitable Real Estate Investment Management, Inc. (subsequently Lend Lease Real Estate Investments, Inc.) into the leading U.S. real estate advisor to pension funds and other real institutional investors. He joined the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S. in 1981, moving to Equitable Real Estate in 1984 as head of Corporate/Marketing Communications. At Equitable Real Estate, he managed public relations for several of the country's most prominent real estate developments including New York's Trump Tower and the Equitable Center. 


Earlier in his career, Mr. Miller was a reporter for Gannett Newspapers. He is a past member of the Citistates Group and a board member of NYC Outward Bound Schools.


Mr. Miller earned a BSJ with honors (Kappa Tau Alpha) from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and a JD cum laude from American University.


Mary Beth Ryan has more than 25 years of experience in all facets of marketing communications with expertise in maximizing the effectiveness of branding, investment product introductions, and public relations campaigns. Working closely with Mr. Miller, she has held senior roles at Equitable Real Estate Investment Management, Lendlease Corporation, and GMAC Commercial Mortgage Corporation.  At Lendlease (ASX: LLC), one of Australia’s largest public companies, she managed the corporation’s global media relations, as well as shareholder and internal communications activities, based in Sydney, Australia.  

Ms. Ryan has developed expansive marketing plans encompassing product/fund campaign launches, media outreach, thought leadership, research papers, sponsorships and more. Her experience spans real estate, investment management, and financial services across both public and private companies.

She has significant expertise in developing and executing public relations and social media strategies for leading real estate investment companies and developers, and maintains contacts with leading journalists covering the global real estate industry. Her advice and counsel to senior executives of Miller Ryan clients has led to successfully creating cohesive and holistic marketing communications programs tying together brand management, public relations, product marketing, investor communications, advertising, event planning, and website development.
She is a board member of Ryan’s Rebels, a charitable organization focused on pediatric cancer.
Ms. Ryan received her BA in Marketing and Communications from Xavier University, Cincinnati.

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